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The Schools Challenge

The biggest young shots organisation in the UK!


Check out TSC Clay Shooting TV for all the latest shooting in the UK

New episodes released every Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30pm.

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A selection of over-and-under (O/U) guns, all under £1,000 at The Oxford Gun Company...
Click for more guns under £1,000
Crockart, D. B. (Perth) - Unknown £799.00
ALEX MARTIN - B L E £950.00
Miroku - 6000 £750.00
Yildiz - Elegant £899.00
Yildiz - SPZ ME Junior £599.00
Fabarm - Unknown £599.00
Yildiz - SPZ ME £599.00
Yildiz - SPZ ME £699.00
Yildiz - SPZ ME £599.00
Yildiz - SPZ ME Steel £950.00

Click for more guns under £1,000

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Their support, along with our other sponsors, ensures we can continue to provide country activities for today's youngsters!